Watch Burn to Shine - Vol. 2: Chicago IL 09.13.2004 (2005) : Full Movie Online Free This film series is produced by Fugazi's Brendan Canty and is directed by filmmaker Christoph Green. It features live performances by Wilco, Shellac, Tortoise, Freakwater, The Ponys, Lonesome Organist, Tight Phantomz, Red Eyed Legends, and Pit er Pat, and was recorded, mixed, and curated by producer and Shellac member Bob Weston. In between the bands lay shots of the band setting up and portraits of some of the cooler aspects of the 100 year old house in Chicago that the DVD was recorded in. The final demolition sequence laying waste to the day's events is a matter of minutes. Extras include extended slide show of stills of the bands and 5.1 mix.